Every camper at Teton Valley Ranch Camp will have the opportunity to travel into the wilderness on both a backpacking trip and a horse-pack trip.
The backcountry trips at TVRC are unforgettable! Each year at Trailblazer Vespers, a time of reflection and sharing for our older campers with the rest of the camp, Trailblazers talk about how important our Trips program is. One expressed, “The Ranch is great, but it’s on the trail that we learn life-lessons and forge great friendships!”
Teton Valley Ranch Camp holds special-use permits issued by Grand Teton National Park, Yellowstone National Park, Bridger-Teton National Forest, Caribou-Targhee National Forest, and Shoshone National Forest. These permits enable campers to explore some of the most stunning and pristine public lands in the United States. The Teton Range, the Gros Ventre Range, the Absaroka Range, and the Wind River Range are just some of the areas where we travel.

What better way to experience the grandeur of the great outdoors than packing up your backpack and heading out into the wilderness with your friends and role models? Imagine hiking through a pine forest with the sweet smell of wildflowers lingering the air. The clouds hang low in the morning and the crisp air covers your legs with goosebumps. The trail opens up to a meadow painted with purple lupine, yellow balsam-root, and fiery red Indian paintbrush. You’ll walk along winding trails and trek through meadows filled with wildflowers. You’ll summit grand peaks, glissade down snow fields, traverse ridges, and cross flowing rivers. All the while learning backcountry skills, wilderness safety, personal responsibility, and leadership. You’ll create memories for a lifetime, and friendships that last just as long!

Pack Trips
There are many areas of the Bridger-Teton National Forest that are only accessible by foot or horseback. At TVRC our campers have the chance to explore these areas on horseback during their Pack Trips. Campers enjoy rides for miles through forest and meadows, across rivers, and along ridges to their backcountry campsite where they will live for the next several days. While at the packtrip campsite their days are filled with hikes and rides to explore the surrounding wilderness area. Years of tradition have led campers to pristine lakes and hidden waterfalls, amazing hikes and breathtaking vistas. After a long day, it’s back to the campsite for a game of kick the can or cards before dinner. Cooks prepare delicious meals over an open fire and the night ends with stories, songs, and s’mores around the campfire.
Backpacking and Packtrips are two unique experiences that are often a highlight for campers and will live strong in their memories for years to come. Campers see a side of Wyoming and experience truly wild areas where few others have gone before them. Each year, campers venture into the wilderness with the guidance of our trip leaders and professional outfitters to explore the west like days of old.
So saddle up! It’s time to ride…